Products we Like

There are certain products we regularly use, recommend, or simply like! They make our life so much easier or make those everyday chores more fun to do:)

We are attaching links or information about some of those products below, but if there are products you use for cleaning or organizing your spaces, please contact us and let us know about your recommended products.

Saving time and money helps you have more time to relax and enjoy life in the ways that matter most to you.

See links below:

Whether building a home, repairing a car, or cleaning a home, the tools we use are important. The right tools make a big difference & save time!

  • ✺Cleaning

    Who said cleaning had to be boring?!

  • ✺Storage

    From baskets to bins, storage containers, decorative or out-of-site storage!

  • ✺Kitchen

    Check out these items that help organize, but only if you can use them in your unique spaces.

  • ✺Office

    Check these ideas and products out to see if they would make your office spaces work more effectively for your needs.

  • ✺Linens, Towels, Bedding

    Buy quality, not quantity & only what’s needed. Make laundry easier with a classy look!

  • ✺Garage & Outdoor

    Garages are for automobiles yet provide great storage. So do outdoor areas. Learn more…

✺ Frequently asked questions ✺

  • You don’t want to waste time organizing clutter! Get rid of it instead and only organize what you’ll use and keep.

  • Act like a tornado when you clean! Tornados look big, but swirl down to a small point that hits the ground running. Tornadoes are powerful. When cleaning a room, focus on the largest item in the room (bed, kitchen table, etc.) first. Clean it and already, the room feels like most of the job is done! Then attack those smaller things, moving in a focused clockwise manner from the door around the room. Tornado cleaning works! (Read more in our “Journal” Simplify-Do More Living publication!)

  • Do these in this order!

  • That they didn’t take “Before and After” pictures to remember the chaos they began with ad the beautiful finished, organized homes they ended up enjoying!

    P.S. That’s why we wrote our “Journal” to help you remember to document your progress:)

  • It takes as long as you want…or can be done very quickly! It’s up to you, your determination, your available time, your excuses (which delay your progress), and your inner desire to gain control of your time, space, and life.

  • Why, thank you for asking!:)

    Yes, we have multiple publications available and will be adding more! All available on Amazon. (Info can be found on this site or at

    In April, 2024, we will offer workshops weekly (limited to 15 participants, 1 hour weekly, for 8 meetings). If interested in receiving workshop information, let us know by writing us on our contact page.